Passion bloom basket
Passion Bloom Basket
Make an unforgettable statement this Valentine’s Day with the Passion Bloom Basket, a luxurious and absolutely stunning arrangement. Overflowing with deep red roses, anemones, orchids, ranunculus, tropical anthuriums, and dramatic dried palms, this bold design is arranged in a chic white basket and radiates passion and elegance.
This exclusive creation is super limited only 3 lucky people will have the chance to own this breathtaking arrangement for Valentine’s Day. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, it’s s not only visually striking but also impressively heavy, making it a true centerpiece of love and sophistication.
Don’t miss your chance to own this once-in-a-lifetime Valentine’s treasure reserve yours today before it’s s gone!
Your order will be safely delivered by our local Novapetal Flower Lab 5 Star delivery service.
- The beautiful arrangements will be designed perfectly, always fresh, and remain elegant.
- Should the intended recipient be absent during the delivery window, the Novapetal Flower Lab will make sure to place the arrangement in a safe location and take a picture.
- Novapetal Flower Lab Guarantees same day delivery over Phoenix Valley up to 30 miles is possible if order is placed before 2:00PM (excluding weekends). We start our deliveries after 9 AM and the latest delivery time is 7:30 PM.
- Novapetal Flower Lab request the minimum amount for delivery is $85.
- Please choose your preferred date and time for delivery on the shopping cart screen. Tax and shipping costs will be determined when you proceed to checkout. Due to our increasing volume we cannot always promise exact time delivery.
- ATTENTION: Novapetal Flower Lab cannot be held accountable for arrangements sent to incorrect locations due to customer-provided invalid addresses. Should we have to return the item to our store (3031 E Indian School Road Suite 8 phoenix AZ, 85016) because the address is wrong or no one is present to receive it, a supplementary re-delivery fee will apply. Ensure you input the accurate shipping address please and thank you.